An Online Platform Connecting Teachers and Student Volunteers
Become a remote teacher's assistant (Remote TA) and help support classroom projects
What is RemoteTA?

Hear feedback from RemoteTA's frequent users

How RemoteTA Works

Teachers Post a Project

Teachers register for a RemoteTA account and post projects that can be completed remotely by students

Students Accept the Project

Students register for a RemoteTA account, explore available projects, and express interest in projects that match their skill set

Work and Communicate

Students work with teachers to complete the projects. All student-teacher communication occurs remotely via email or video call. Students maintain a log of their service hours

Project is Completed

Using the RemoteTA portal, students request final project review and report their service hours. Teachers accept projects and awards service hours

Why RemoteTA


RemoteTA offers the flexibility to choose from a broad range of classroom projects. Students work on projects that fit their skill-set and busy schedules.


RemoteTA is an online volunteering platform. Students work conveniently from their homes with no transportation hassles! The portal also offers a convenient way for students to maintain a record of their service hour log.


RemoteTA provides an innovative platform for students to give back to their school community. Students, working as remote Teacher's Assistants, also gain meaningful life-long skills.
Project Examples

These are some of the types of projects that teachers can post!

Powerpoint Presentations

Our student volunteers have a lot of experience with PowerPoint! Teachers, if you provide us with your curriculum content, we can turn it into beautiful engaging slides!

Forms or Flyers

Our student volunteers can create polished forms or gorgeous flyers for teachers and save precious time.


Our student volunteers with video editing skills can create easy-to-understand tutorials or walkthroughs that teachers can use to provide instructions to their students.

Educational Games

Our student volunteers with graphic design skills would love to work with teachers and help build creative educational tools or art projects to keep students engaged!


RemoteTA volunteers made this website from scratch — tell us your project needs and our student volunteers with coding skills can build you a beautiful website!

Our Awards

These are the awards RemoteTA has won to-date

COVID-19 Global Hackathon
RemoteTA won this hackathon in April 2020. There were a total 19,000 participants and 1560 project submissions in this event.
The Resiliency Challenge
RemoteTA won this hackathon in June 2020. There were a total of 700 participants and 43 project submissions in this event.